Young Explorers - Private Kindergarten Kastoria - Kindergarten Kastoria - Kindergarten Kastoria - Kindergarten Kastoria

Young Explorers - Private Kindergarten Kastoria - Kindergarten Kastoria - Kindergarten Kastoria - Kindergarten Kastoria

29754 Visitors:
Address: Chloes
Area: Kastoria
Telephone: 2467503919
Mobile: 6976793200
P.C.: 52100
Fax: 2467503919
Responsible: -
Responsible phone: -
Motivated by the undivided love for the child, we founded in September 2011 the "Little Explorers". An ecological - open school. Little Explorers is a kindergarten with a pre-school section and aims to guide children through experiential processes in the discovery of knowledge. Ecology is not a fad, it is a necessity. Man needs to turn to sustainable ways of managing the environment and natural resources. We support these initiatives through our programs, recycle (compost), reuse...
29754 Visitors:

Chloes, Kastoria

29754 Visitors:

Motivated by the undivided love for the child, we founded in September 2011 the "Little Explorers".

An ecological - open school.
Little Explorers is a kindergarten with a pre-school section and aims to guide children through experiential processes in the discovery of knowledge.
Ecology is not a fad, it is a necessity. Man needs to turn to sustainable ways of managing the environment and natural resources.
We support these initiatives through our programs, recycle (compost), reuse, save energy.

Open for our children and for any other children who wish it in the afternoon, for creative play, company and study.
Our school is located in Chloe, Kastoria.

Our goal is for our little friends to receive the warmth we want to offer them,
through our beautifully landscaped spaces.

for children from 2.5 to 4 years old.

Preschool section
for children from 4 to 5 years old.


Our school offers full board (breakfast and lunch). The food is prepared in our modern organized kitchen, by experienced staff, observing all the rules of hygiene. We use very fresh ingredients from Greek stores and local producers carefully selected to ensure meals of high nutritional value and quality. The menu, after being approved by the pediatrician of our unit, is notified to you at the beginning of each week, while every day there is information in the communication notebook about the amount of food that your child ate here.

The pediatrician of our station regularly monitors our children and informs the parents in writing. Also, a graduate dietitian examines their weight and offers us her valuable advice.

As your child plays, paints, sings, learns new things, be sure that he is in a safe environment that meets all the standards of fire detection, fire safety, emergency exits. Liability insurance coverage is provided for all children and staff.

All areas of our station are thoroughly cleaned daily, while the sanitary facilities used by children during the program. Cleaning supplies and papers are environmentally friendly.

For those parents who want their children to rest, we have created a beautiful space with cribs with anatomical mattresses of candia strom and hypoallergenic covers.

Informing parents
In order to achieve the high goals we set, we want you by our side.
Your update will be:
1. daily if needed (with the communication notebook)
2.with monthly meetings
3. with the establishment of a parents' school, discussions, suggestions from expert scientists on issues concerning our children but also our own role as parents (first day at school, rules, sleep).
All parents are welcome.
4.Any time you need it through our e-mail.

Kindergarten, Kastoria
Kindergarten, Kastoria
Nursery school, Kastoria
Ecological school, Kastoria
Open school, Kastoria
Little Explorers, Kastoria
Creative employment of children, Kastoria


Young Explorers - Private Kindergarten Kastoria - Kindergarten Kastoria - Kindergarten Kastoria - Kindergarten Kastoria Diet
Young Explorers - Private Kindergarten Kastoria - Kindergarten Kastoria - Kindergarten Kastoria - Kindergarten Kastoria Clinic
Young Explorers - Private Kindergarten Kastoria - Kindergarten Kastoria - Kindergarten Kastoria - Kindergarten Kastoria Security
Young Explorers - Private Kindergarten Kastoria - Kindergarten Kastoria - Kindergarten Kastoria - Kindergarten Kastoria Health
Young Explorers - Private Kindergarten Kastoria - Kindergarten Kastoria - Kindergarten Kastoria - Kindergarten Kastoria Rest
Young Explorers - Private Kindergarten Kastoria - Kindergarten Kastoria - Kindergarten Kastoria - Kindergarten Kastoria Informing parents
29754 Visitors:


Telephone: 2467503919
Mobile: 6976793200

Working Hours
